My Super Sweet 16, which originally aired on this network from 2005-2008 and featured several special installments throughout the years, is set to premiere on May 14 at 7/6c. But bashes commemorating the big 1-6 are not the only types of celebrations that will be highlighted -- Quinceañeras, debutante balls, “Bro Mitzvahs” and more are going to unfold during the half-hour installments. Put on your party outfits and dancing shoes, folks!
Following My Super Sweet 16, the trend of spotlighting milestones in youth culture will continue. Promposal will take viewers on the creative, romantic and outlandish journey of asking someone to prom. With promposals ranging from a Zombie-themed invitation to a choreographed flash mob, the 30-minute series will highlight teens pulling out all the stops to land their dream date. Kind of like these Laguna Beach moments (oh, memories).
Stay with MTV News as we approach the premieres of My Super Sweet 16 and Promposal -- and tune in on Sunday, May 14 at 7/6c to witness these unforgettable rites of passage!